Sunday, February 24, 2013

Support group

When I heard we were doing a support group blog, it caught me off guard.  Immediately I wanted to do my support group on cancer.   Just days ago we figured out that my 81 year old grandfather has tumors in his brain caused by cancer.  It was incredibly painful and it's something that I've never had to deal with.  I could see how it would be comforting to reach out in a support group and find hope in other people's words.
What I found when I looked at some of the support groups was that there were a lot of people sharing their experiences.  When someone would tell their story another person would comment that they went through a similar experience and explain their story.  I found it helpful because it is a lonely feeling when you are loosing a loved one or experiencing cancer and just knowing you aren't alone is a good feeling.
When someone tells you that they feel terrible or sorry it's not like when someone who is living with the same nightmare says it.  You don't know what it's like unless you've lived through the pain, and I think that's what makes a support group a powerful tool.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Google Reader,Wiki, and Cell Phone

The first thing that I liked about Google Reader was that it was really easy to set up.  I saw all of the blogs that I was subscribed to right on the side, and I subscribed to a few more when I explored google reader.  I now follow several sports blogs and a video game blog for my own enjoyment.  Hopefully there will be a time when I look go to write on my blog, and I find out something new in the sports world or learn about a video game I should check out because of my recent subscriptions, and maybe I will follow new things more relevant to my future career.
After I looked around on Google Reader, I took some time to create a Wiki Page.  The process was a little slow at first because I didn't know much about it, but when I opened up the slideshow with step by step instructions the whole thing seemed a lot easier.  I created my on page called rjcwiki and I changed the color scheme.  I haven't made any other changes to it, but i'll do that later.
My phone detox process was annoying to say the least.  I turned my phone off so I wouldn't be able to check it at all.  I used the time slot of 12-4 and I hoped that no one would try to call or text.  I can't tell you how many time I wanted to turn my phone back on, it wasn't easy to stay away. I used facebook messaging to talk to people instead of my phone and I managed with that.  When that 4 hours were done I checked my phone and it turned out that I only missed one text from a friend just asking what was up.  When all was said and done, I thought it was funny to see how much I like having my phone, and I'm glad it was only four hours.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Twitter hashtag

Hashtags and Twitter... Personally I don't really understand Twitter all that much, and up until this class I didn't even have an account.  When I created mine the first thing I did was I looked at the trending topics and saw what was going on in the Twittersphere.  I clicked on a few sports related hashtags and started to like reading other people's tweets.  I'm not sure if sports are really important, but they are the main thing I'm interested in.  It seems like the most important thing for everyone on twitter is themselves.  Twitter is your opinion and without that there wouldn't be anything interesting going on.  That's what makes Twitter interesting.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

First post

     So far our class is going good, and we've talked about how people, including ourselves, connect through social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter.  We've discussed topics ranging from Facebook security to if we are someone who is active in social media.
     A piece of interesting information that I have learned thus far is that social media, specifically f-book, is always changing it's security and it must be updated constantly to keep you totally private.  Another thing I took note of is how 83 million Facebook accounts are duplicates or fake.  That number is astounding and it's something to be weary of when adding friends to our growing lists.
     Throughout this course it will be informative to see what else we can find out about social media sites that I didn't already know, and I'll hope to use it to my advantage.